Friday, April 9, 2010

this is what my life consists of right now...

i have and will continue to be busy until the month of may is part over. however, i am finding such joy in my busy schedule and all the various things i need to accomplish before the school year's end.

i have been eating lots&lots of fruit lately....

this has been my go-to breakfast for the past two weeks. before it was without the banana, but i won't go back b/c the banana just adds another tremendously necessary dimension to the oatmeal. i'd venture to say that oatmeal with banana and syrup is my favorite food at the moment. it doesn't hurt that i'm trying to use up the huge container of oatmeal i had so that i won't have to lug it back in the move coming soon.

lots of grapes b/c they are portable and sweet and refreshing.

the popcorn is from before spring break...seriously, i was eating popcorn like it was my jobbbbb. it's so yummy though. i'm out for now, but you can bet there will be tons of popcorn in my life this summer. it's kind of a special thing my dad and i always have together.

lots of diet dr. pepper with lots&lots&lots of ice.

dates. dates. dates. they are so delicious and sweet! why would i ever opt for candy when these babies are perfect to ease that sweet tooth!? and plenty of oranges b/c they are so juicy and they are great b/c they are portable.


Vegan In The VI said...

What a healthy diet! (Oh, except for the diet Dr. Pepper. I lived on two liters of generic diet soda a day in college. Definitely didn't help my mental state, i.e., depressed).

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the exact same breakfast every morning, syrup included! You know what takes it REALLY over the top? I mashed the banana and cook it with the oats, its super creamy! I also make half of the liquid soy milk - I'm also a giant tub of oats user :)

ghita1964 said...

Bors de peste
Ingrediente:500 grame tarite de griu, 300 grame de malai, un pahar huste sau 20 grame de drojdie, o

lamaie, 2-3 felii de paine neagra

Mod de preparare:

Se prepara intr-un vas de lut smaltuit (daca aveti) de 5-6 litri. In el se pun taritele de griu si

malaiul. Se adauga hustele (tarite si malai ramase de la alt lot de bors) pentru fermentatia

lactica, sau drojdia de bere. Peste aceasta se toarna apa fierbinte sau clocotita pina ce se umple

vasul, care se va pastra la loc cald.Se foloseste la prepararea borsurilor sau ca bautura

racoritoare in cure de slabire. Asigura un aport deosebit in vitaminele B si P.

Bors cu perisoare de peste

Timp de preparare: 1 h


1 kg peste(crap), 2 cepe, 2 morcovi, 2 ardei grasi (pot fi si congelati), 2 linguri de orez, 1 felie

de franzela, 1 ou, 1 lingura pasta de tomate, ulei, sare, piper, patrunjel, 1-2 l de bors (dupa


Mod de preparare:

Pestele se spala, se curata, se taie capul si se da deoparte. Carnea se curata de pe oase. Capul

se pune la fiert in 2l de apa cu sare pt. 35 de min., apoi se strecoara supa. Zeama de peste se

pune din nou la fiert cu ceapa tocata marunt, ardeii si morcovii dati pe razatoare. Se fierbe

totul cam 15 min. Carnea de peste se toaca la masina, se amesteca cu orezul, felia de franzela

inmuiata in apa si stoarsa, sare, piper,ou. Se fac perisoare cu mina umeda si se pun deoparte.

In supa care fierbe se pun pasta de tomate, borsul fiert separat si perisoarele. La sfirsit se pun

doua linguri de ulei si verdeata.Se adauga in farfurie o lingura de smintina.
Pofta buna!

ghita1964 said...

Us the google translate,the linguage ar Romanian!

Healthy. Happy. Well. said...

Dang! I'm loving the chili! Who cares about the weather!