Tuesday, May 25, 2010

this life is so lovely

it must be a crime to enjoy summer so much. i am currently in my room listening to the brewing storm--thunder, lightning--all so close. normally, they are scary happenings for me, but today i find them incredibly romantic.

this is one bunch of the several i have been picking out of my dad's garden. i think asparagus has got to be my favorite.

this salad consists of radish, onion, and lettuce from my dad's garden. having these items readily available is so convenient and i am so grateful for that.

i wanted a variation of the salad i had yesterday [^^] so i made one with fruit. i have always enjoyed the alternating tastes of salty and sweet so this salad did the trick.
this is a variation of the salad. we have so much lettuce i don't want to go to waste so i decided to mix it up with this as a little snack.
my breakfasts have been amazing lately. below is cinnamon life with soy milk and bananas. i don't have soy milk very often and cereal barely ever. this is a nice treat.
i made pumpkin waffles for my mom yesterday. they have slivers of almond and shavings of chocolate on them. they weren't as good as when i make them with coconut milk. i find the flavor of vanilla extract, maple syrup and coconut cannot be beat. still, they are delightful.


Vegan In The VI said...

Wow! All that Asparagus came from your Dad's garden? I usually get just one puny spear a year from mine. I don't even bother to eat it, I just look at it.

kimberly said...

yeah! and that's just a small bundle of asparagus...normally there is much more and we have to pick it every other day! i can't believe it!